Great conference today organised by Adetem along with François Laurent (VP Adetem ) and the President of Marketing 2.0 . Here is the moblog of Catherine Grandcoing enhancing the Technological Revolution as well as the Social Revolution interacting the two revolution to explain Web 2.0 as a user centric set up.
When she says that "Les individus sont devenus:
- des êtres pluriel, multi-facettes aux multiples regards,
- à géométrie variable selon les moments et les circonstances,
- en recherche identitaire et besoin de sens et de repères,
- entre réel et virtuel"
The only thing missing is the NNM formula by which along with these nano-publishing tools emerges nano-marketing expectations et technics used by brands and corporations. That's were we are now into the "1 to 1/ N " and N is about these multiple facets etc... Thanks for this additionnal testimony and great presentation.
She has published a book " Communication & Médias" at Economica. It's real good.
So far as City Vox was concerned I was please to meet with one of the founders, as I jknew the 2 others, and Michel Athenour has cleared the path for a better understanding of Web 2.0 mechanism. We might be able to have their presentation in due course.
And the answer is: Web 2.0 is here to stay and it's a true change in our society !
Mots-clés : NNM , Adetem