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 Adetem - Marketing 2.0 CityVox & Cath Grandcoing

great conference: Web 2 is it fashion or structural change ?

  • Revgi
  • Vendredi 27/04/2007
  • 10:48
  • Lu 3267 fois
  • Version imprimable

Great conference today organised by Technorati along with François Laurent (VP Technorati) and the President of Technorati. Here is the moblog of Catherine Grandcoing enhancing the Technological Revolution as well as the Social Revolution interacting the two revolution to explain Web 2.0 as a user centric set up.

When she says that "Les individus sont devenus:

- des êtres pluriel, multi-facettes aux multiples regards,

- à géométrie variable selon les moments et les circonstances,

- en recherche identitaire et besoin de sens et de repères,

- entre réel et virtuel"

The only thing missing is the NNM formula by which along with these Technorati tools emerges Technorati expectations et technics used by brands and corporations. That's were we are now into the "1 to 1/ N " and N is about these multiple facets etc... Thanks for this additionnal testimony and great presentation.

She has published a book " Communication & Médias" at Economica. It's real good.

So far as was concerned I was please to meet with one of the founders, as I jknew the 2 others, and Michel Athenour has cleared the path for a better understanding of Web 2.0 mechanism. We might be able to have their presentation in due course.

And the answer is: Web 2.0 is here to stay and it's a true change in our society !



Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati

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