I remember attending one of the very first Jupiter conventions about the Internet in 1994 (ok, no jokes about my age in the comments please or I’ll start talking about Compuserve and the Minitel in my next article!). One of the speakers there was a woman I had never heard of at the time called Esther Dyson.
Her keynote was titled “What’s in it for me?”. She was reflecting on the exploding Internet, in front of a crowd of early adopters and converts who had shelled out the $1000 for the conference, yet nobody knew clearly what to do with it, let alone how to make money from it.
Sounds familiar? Virtual worlds are the latest fad but… What’s in it for me?
What do I take from them as a user? As an investor? As a corporation? What is going to make them ubiquitous in the coming years as the next version of the Internet? What scenarios are in the work to justify the billions of dollars pouring in this industry next year?
Content development investments in Second Life ™ alone for next year, are in the range of one hundred million dollars – and that’s for content that’s cheap to build, on an existing platform. Total current investments to build alternate platforms are probably ten times this. Microsoft and Google are spending hundreds of millions of dollars virtualizing the real world…
So, what gives? Why is this happening? I’ll be posting about the opportunities and business models I’m aware of that are currently being pushed in the coming days. We’ll talk about convergence, virtual widgets, user implication in their avatars and in the virtual realms they walk in…
But in the meantime, what’s in it FOR YOU ? If you spend time or are investing in Virtual Worlds, if your kids are already playing in Habbo Hotel or Virtual Laguna Beach or chatting with friends on the LegoLand Website… what’s in it for you and them?
Mots-clés : Virtual World , 3D , NNM , Second Life , Google , Microsoft , La Fabrique du Futur
industrialization and handcraft playgrounds !
Woaw these are interesting figures and axis of researches: we are lucky to have you on board with your unique insights and shall try to help you go beyond with new virtual adventures... cheers, Gil