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 OWD - One Web Day

La journée 'mondiale' web, le 22 septembre ...et alors ?

  • CM
  • Lundi 24/09/2007
  • 01:00
  • Lu 2253 fois
  • Version imprimable


Check this out ....yet another web marketing idea for more Technorati or simply an excuse to celebrate the Web ?
Raising awareness, reaching out to the Technorati, feeling good about the web...

"The idea behind Technorati is to encourage people to think of themselves as responsible for the internet, and to take good and visible actions on Sept. 22 that (1) celebrate the positive impact of the internet on the world and (2) shed light on the problems of access and information flow".

Alors quelles sont les actions à faire...c'est quoi une BA Web ?


Last year, there were offline events of various kinds in about twenty places around the world. This year, we're aiming for at least fifty. These offline events can range from sponsoring a teaching event (how to edit a wiki, how to post a photo online etc) to helping a school or town set up a hotspot, to having a panel of speakers talk about the ways the world has been/will be changed by the internet. We're working with the Internet Society and the Internet Archive to encourage these offline events. Technorati is a global event.


Our chief goal this year is to encourage people to make their own short videos and post them on blip.tv or YouTube tagged "onewebday2007". Suggested topics:

  • how the web has changed your life
  • how Technorati'd like the web to change the world in the future
  • highlights of what Technorati've seen online the day Technorati make the video
  • your favorite online event ever
  • something Technorati've done online with other people in other countries
Alors, La France ? Une journée toile : JT ou JW en 2008. Quel but ? Quel intérêt ?
L'occasion de faire réagir des entreprises ? Ou simplement un évènement entre bloggeurs avisés ?

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


one (red) day ?

good idea Caco Miss to have one BA day (guess you were not speaking about me re initials !)

But, instead of inventing something brand new, why don't we stick to something that already exists. And improve it by dedicating once a year a special day for the (red) initiative ?


and thanks for your post on Olivier zara blog !



Re: one (red) day ?

You're right Brice...we should be concentrating on initiatives that lead somewhere and give real meaning to what Web 2.0 has on offer.
Let's take a closer look at the Red project as it is described in the Imagination or Web 2.0 Economy book to be published (in red ??) between now and December...

"RED is a 21st Century idea. It's an amazing thing that these companies are doing - lending their creativity and financial firepower to the Global Fund's fight against AIDS in Africa, the greatest health crisis in 600 years. I think doing the RED thing, doing good, will turn out to be good business for them,"

That was how Bono saw things at the launch of the RED project....
So what's been happening since then ?

Here's Motorola's reaction as related by Brice and Pierre in their book (L'Imagination Collective or the Imagination Economy) :

"This intelligent action is not symbolic: according to Motorola, the money made from the consecutive sale of three telephones means one year of school supplies and daily meals for an African orphan whose parents have died of Aids.

On the operator’s side, it would appear that 5 % of the average annual phone bill for a basic British mobile telephone user would be enough to ensure the treatment of 180 women against Aids transmitted from mother to child!"

That's all well and good but how global can RED be ? Is it just another feel good factor project to give the materialistic west the impression they're fighting the aids battle ?

Taking a look at the website, the project is constantly on the move, OK in America first...but with skillful use of the Web and blogs and all the other viral marketing tools available RED could even get to China....and wow what a combination that might be !
A recent interview done by ADWEEK in America, put Bobby Shriver, Red's co-founder (with U2's Bono) on the spot...

He was named Advertising Person of the Year by the Advertising Club and will be toasted by his associates on Sept. 24 at an Advertising Week lunch.

Q: (Product) Red has been lauded by everyone from the NAACP to the Committee for Economic Development. How does being honored by the ad community compare?
A: Being "honored" is the wrong word. Having the ad community notice this issue was our goal. When we first started, someone said you have to be more like Nike or Gap, you've got to tell your story and spend your money. We walked out of the meeting feeling distressed because we knew it was true. We did need to communicate in the way that Gap and Motorola do, but we had no idea how to do it. Suddenly, it dawned on us that we shouldn't be like Gap, they should be like us.

The skill of this exceptional campaign is in its capacity to turn brands on their head and make them adapt to RED rather then RED adapt to them...and all in a good cause.

So in answer to your question Brice, yes, I suppose France would be better off (and so would the third world fighting aids) adopting RED and making it work in Europe, than picking up on yet another Web 2.0 Marketing ploy to send bloggers into overdrive about freedom of the Web..

Let's go for the Global Fund...and try and persuade French brands to switch into global charity mode in the way so many anglosaxon brands have done...




one (redder) day ?

Bobby, if by any chance you went thru my mail linked to this NNM blog, feel free to answer us.
Bravo about your interview.
The world is getting (redder) & (redder)
& please tell me what we can do about the book



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