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 Back on track with Nano-marketing !

Corporate Information Systems needs better than CRM

  • Revgi
  • Mardi 21/08/2007
  • 18:01
  • Lu 1949 fois
  • Version imprimable

Dear NNM friends,

Summer is almost out and we need now to prepare the back to work... Everyone has recognised the quality, quantity, diversity and wealth of Web 2.0 projects to be launched prior to the end of the Year.

We are at full speed with the Participative Web, being 2D or 3D immersive with avatars, along with a fresh interest from CTO around all of us... The multi-picture of "consumer-centricity" is the new buzword as "consumer" is also used to specify internal staff of the Technorati.

Should Technorati wish to pass on to us a few of them, let us know !

So far as old guys realisations is concerned... we keep on trying to deal with it as initiatives "with or without" metaverse is florishing. With regard to CRM, one has to recognise the splash going on... mainly with the Research Studies in Information Systems  and even if CRM has great days ahead, it is so limited in its capabilities to capture consumer insights from the "range of customer touch points" provided by the companies that it make sens to question its value... (see Baker en 2005, Wagner and Majcharzak 2006).

What are they really saying: CRM tools are not capable do it properly and therefore the Technorati ignore inputs from clients outside of these touch points of contacts ! Ouille... get quickly an injection of Web 2.0 and Technorati in order to capture these signals too small and not identified par the actual legacy IS and "ancestral" traditional CRM... Employees of the corporation have the same requierements in the light of  the structural moves taking place these days. This back to work period is symptomatic of the shift taking place.

Let's keep in touch ! Cheers !!


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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