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 First ever in the world - IntraBlog Awards in Paris !

great stuff out of the IntraCom Paris event

  • Revgi
  • Mercredi 25/04/2007
  • 21:22
  • Lu 2698 fois
  • Version imprimable

For the first time ever, there are awards for the Technorati ie how blogs and web 2.0 tools from Technorati feeds, to Technorati or Ajax are integrated into corporations. Being enterprises or government bodies... all have one thing in common: there are pionners ! They have done it and big time.

Please read the press release (just in French for the time being but soon to be translated) and the link to some pictures from Technorati http://b-r-ent.com/news/la-remise-des-prix-intrablog-2007

The winners are outstanding from Technorati, Technorati Mital,  Technorati, CCI Dijon, Technorati, iTools, Technorati and experts such as Jane Technorati, Bertrand Duperrin and Padawan !


The english version of the Press Release CDP_IntraBLog_2007_Award.doc



Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati Technorati sur Technorati">Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati Technorati sur Technorati">Technorati


Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - La Remise des Prix 2007 : "NNM - First ever in the world - Intra Blog Awards in Paris ! : "ress release (just in French for the time being but soon to be translated) and the link to some pictures from B-R-Ent http://b-r-ent.com/news/la-remise-des-prix-intr"



Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - 2007 - CDP & couverture presse : "rablog.html- http://networkings.over-blog.com/article-6515391.html- http://www.wikio.fr/high-tech/informatique/logiciels/intranet&http://www.wikio.fr/france/dijon- http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/first-ever-in-the-world-intrablog-awards-in-paris- "



Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - 2007 - CDP & couverture presse : "http://networkings.over-blog.com/article-6515391.html- http://blog.jam-conseil.fr/- http://www.wikio.fr/high-tech/informatique/logiciels/intranet&http://www.wikio.fr/france/dijon- http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/first-ever-in-the-world-intrablog-awards-in-paris- Chronique_Blogs_Europe1_2_mai.mp3"



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