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 High disruptive branding enhancement !

2007 is the year of change

  • Revgi
  • Lundi 22/01/2007
  • 18:46
  • Lu 2236 fois
  • Version imprimable

We can see more and more brands adopting the Web 2.0 enhancement. It's a new paradigme of customer relationship, client more empowered in the way to drive their relationship with the Technorati they wish to support or to blame...

Technorati saw car manufacturers, bankers, food and health care providers, any industrial sector is impacted. And what is at stake: a high Technorati branding enhancement. The power of the Technorati that corporations have been investing into for decades are challenged... New visions and positionning are required now otherwise the relationship is at risks as the competition has move out of the traditionnal marketing arena...

Last week was in France the launch of a new corporate Technorati as the Technorati Technorati is fidding a new springboard of deployment through www.kangoomania.com and Technorati can feel the NNW, the vibrations of hundred customers so proud to enhance their car of choice. Their new lifestyle through video and pictures offered to ten of thousand visitors a day !

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


la version française du Web 2.0



Kangoomania & Google or the power of NNM

We were highly surprised to find out the ranking of our post in B-R-ENT when you search for Kangoomania...

5th rank on the first page !

A worldwide brand such as Renault after 10 days still highly ranked through our nano-published blog... and surpringly enough the same comment appears on wikio too on the same page but of the 6th place !

Go NNM Go !



Lien croisé

I & M - Qui fait quoi dans la communication? : "ple post sur un blog donne un référencement naturel (ie des zillions de fois plus efficace que les liens sponsorisés) bien meilleur que celui géré par la régie et la pub institutionnelle... cf la saisie d'écran sur Google plusieurs jours après la forfaitude... Peut-être que le brassage des codes génétiques des métiers de la com ne fait que commencer... qu'en penses-tu ?http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/high-disruptive-branding-enhancement#comment_2Gil "



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