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 International IntraVerse Awards 2009 at Imagina 6 feb 09

B-R-Ent & Imagina at Monaco to host the IIVA 2009 after the session of la Fabrique du Futur

  • Revgi
  • Lundi 10/11/2008
  • 19:20
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Technorati organise this year again the  Technorati with the "International Technorati 2009". They wiIl take place in the fantastic venue of  Technorati at Monaco on February the 6th 2009 and shall follow the session of la Technorati. Here is the link  http://www.imagina.mc/ Go into "Industry" navigation bar and Technorati will Technorati it !  Just go back to the 2008 Edition and its outstanding winners in all type of organisations (fro the SME to the world wide group), association, fédération, administration, educational institution or research laboratory) http://b-r-ent.com/news/les-prix-intraverse-et-intrablog-2008-avec-philip-rosedale-fondateur-de-second-life-et-linden-lab 

"The Technorati (Espace Diaghilev) February 6th 2009 from 14:00 - 16:00 - Village La Technorati

Following on from the success of the
Technorati (which reward the best Technorati Technorati), the Technorati are set to make their mark as one of the most prestigious Technorati in the Technorati sector. The competition aims to recognize and reward the very best in Technorati or organisational projects set up from Technorati worlds (metaverses). These can include realisations in the fields of human resources (recruitment, training...), collaboration, communications, innovations etc.

Created in 2008 by Technorati, the
Technorati were launched in style, with a ceremony held simultaneously at the Technorati Chamber of Commerce and Industry and in Technorati. The Technorati marked a focal point in the international landscape of the application of Technorati universes by companies. Every level of organisational structure is now aware of the benefits to be gained, in terms of development Technorati, by this new facet of the 3D industry.

After its successful launch,
is now going global, building on the huge amount of interest expressed by the sector's specialists. The '2009 International Technorati' (2009 IIVA) will be held in Monaco in the context of the internationally renowned Technorati

The winners will be announced on the 6th of February 2009 following a round table organised by one of the members of the Jury of
, La Technorati, on the theme of collaboration and co-creation through Technorati universes. 

Moreover, the 2009 IIVA will be further enhanced by the '2009 World
Technorati' ('2009 WIVA ') which will be organised in London in June 2009 in the context of Visual Worlds, thereby spreading their recognition to Asia and America. "

For any application just sent your file to greveillon@laser.fr (title IIVA 2009 and organization category such as Technorati (SME or World Wide Group), Association, Federation, Administration, Educational institution or research lab. Sponsor packages are available on the FIFO base.

Le Jury is made of the best Technorati with the new contribution of Martine Parry of Visual World held every year at London.

- Technorati: Daniel Bretonès, Président de l'Association Nationale des Docteurs en Sciences Economiques et Sciences de Gestion (French association of Technorati in economic sciences and Technorati sciences)

- Technorati, François Laurent, Président de l'Association Nationale du Marketing (French association of marketing directors)

- Technorati, Xavier Aucompte et Vincent Berthelot membres fondateurs de Technorati Technorati et Entreprise, Technorati des managers 2.0 ( Technorati, Technorati and Technorati, Technorati of the managers 2.0)

- CEROS, Bernard Quinio, Chercheur membre du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches en Organisations et en Technorati (Center of Surveys and Researches in Organisations and Technorati)

- Technorati, Eric Seulliet, Président de la Technorati

- NNM, Stéphane Desnault Associé de [ajouter]-Marketing et co-fondateur de Technorati (L'Once d'Or Technorati)

- VW, Martine Parry, Associate Director of Apply Group organising Worlds

President of the Jury IIVA et WIVA 2009

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati,


A blog about Virtual Worlds, Virtual Tradeshows and Meeting

Hello http://allvirtual.wordpress.com/ as I got this from my group on . Just to keep it on file ! Cheers, Gil 



Lien croisé

Life 2.0 - blog sur les mondes de Second Life et d'ailleurs : " Awards: Message reçu via le groupe Awards sur Facebook: «Would you know any corporation, association, government and administration involved into 3D immersive virtual worlds just propose them to apply just an email to greveillon@laser.»"



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International Awards 2009 at Imagina 6 feb 09 ( nano-marketing.viabl : " var url_item = 'http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/international-intraverse-awards-2009-at-imagina-6-feb-09-2';"



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