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 Fabrique du Futur within ICT 2008 in Lyon France and Open innovation

The European Commission gets into 3D and Virtual Worlds from 25 to 27 november

  • Revgi
  • Mardi 23/09/2008
  • 13:59
  • Lu 3789 fois
  • Version imprimable

The news from our friend Eric Seulliet, Président of the Technorati, as he proposed a networking session within ICT 2008 (25-27 novembre 2008, Lyon, France) with its project of Living  Technorati being supported by the European Commission! Well done to Eric but also to Nicole Turbé-Suetens cf the Technorati. The theme is the following "3D Living Technorati" : http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/cf/item-display.cfm?id=634

The knowledge society could not do it with Technorati being involved!

3D Living Technorati (User led Technorati using 3D and Technorati)

This networking session deals about open Technorati. Within this scope, it is focused on the use of 3D and Technorati for leveraging user led Technorati that we call 3D Living Technorati. This is a set of 3D and 3D-related resources combined in such a way to offer any organisation, but mainly SMEs, the capability to interact directly with their market targets to test and evaluate new products and services before launching them. Such a system enables decision-makers to Technorati real-time feedback from the market in order to deliver the best suited products and services to fulfil the demand and stimulate further Technorati. Such approach involves to solicit lead users (= advanced users) in order to involve them in the Technorati process. The direct result is a better time-to-market ratio which in turn should result in profitability and market leadership. This session can clearly be related to Objectives ICT-2007-1.3 (ICT in support of the networked Technorati) and 1.5 (Networked Technorati).


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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