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 AQROS gives us a step further into Mobile Verse

Get access to Second Life with their mobile application

  • Revgi
  • Mardi 08/07/2008
  • 11:54
  • Lu 4395 fois
  • Version imprimable

The Technorati enhancing AQROS great application to Technorati access to Technorati with your Technorati phone... Technorati Verse gets new hights !

Flash Vars" value="plickName=4CLUtGwF5Bk"/>Flash Vars="plickName=4CLUtGwF5Bk">

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


More News: Aqros: Mobile Social Virtual Worlds Messenger

From Chris Sherman of Virtual Worlds Weekly

"Dr. Yesha Sivan of Metaverse Labs let me know recently about one of his clients, Aqros

, who is trying to connect virtual worlds to the real world with mobile SMS messaging. You can install Aqros on your phone and, for now, log in to Second Life, chat with neighbors, view your friends list, communicate with them, and teleport to different landmarks. Second Life is the only service available right now, but the company plans to expand to other virtual world with the  eventual goal, said Sivan, of letting users communicate with and between their virtual communities.

The plan is to monetize the service with ads and premium services. While other mobile apps often sell the air time and share revenue, Aqros is more interested in exploring monetization opportunities that with the different virtual worlds."



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