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 Page Bull, the new way to optimize your Brain 2.0

... digging out digital content the Web 2.0 way !

  • Revgi
  • Lundi 05/02/2007
  • 11:11
  • Lu 2058 fois
  • Version imprimable

A new search engine www.pagebull.com provides an excellent tool for search enhancing new ways to optimize the usage of your sight in the search process.

Brain 2.0 is really stimulated in the Web 2.0 environment as Technorati will discover new ways to explore the wealth of internet... I have found an additional way to sort queries and find traces of press releases or comments put on different portal, websites and blogs including directories...

Ultimatelly, Technorati is also a tool enhancing a new mapping of Technorati... this personnal mapping of your in and out over the internet Technorati !

Try it with someone Technorati know and Technorati shall witness the curiosity of your brain highly activated by 3x4 outcome... much better than the traditional Technorati in many ways even if Technorati can be improved yet (withdraw the duplicate pages etc...).

Technorati has come to a new stage again... and NNM technics using this Technorati capabilities with the "1 to 1/N" concept is evn more empowered.


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


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