Seth's blog is good, François Laurent's is even better...well that's what some (French speaking) readers might think when comparing Seth's Blog
to Marketing is Dead.
I honestly think they are both great but admit to being partial to the latter particularly in light of a fascinating morning I spent with one or two others at a blog development 'session' with François Laurent. How to blog
according to François Laurent (President of the French Marketing Association ADETEM
), was, for me, the embodiment of everything that Web 2.0 is about :
honesty, sharing, freedom...
I'm not going to take you through the session (and I suggest you
contact him via for more details). However I just wanted to mention one or two of the points he made.
Like marketing, blogging is all about who you
are targeting or talking to. There are so many people out there, so much to be said, and so many ways to say it. Taking time to understand you
target market is, essential.
We were given a few interesting anecdotes and insights on to how François approaches his blog : admittedly for me, something I enjoy learning about (I'm a regular reader of and He stressed the importance of good trackbacks, links and so forth in order to increase exposure in the blogosphere...
All these little insights brought me back to a book I picked up at last December's Yulbiz session in Paris , where Claude Malaison was promoting his book 'Pourquoi blogger dans un contexte d'affaires?' (not sure of the English title, or if there is one, can you
enlighten us Claude?). Once again, an illustration of the collective thought that is so relevant to the blogosphere, this book gives some really interesting insights into the who, why and what of blogging
for business.
And this made me question the perenity of blogging for business. This wonderful communication
tool has so many uses in daily life and brings alot to many in a totally free and easy way. But what is the future of blogging
? Where are blogs
headed and for what purpose ? Big question...yes, I know, but I just wonder whether they'll become a truly, unversally used, professional took within companies. And if you
think its already the case, I'd be interested in hearing more.
Mots-clés : Marketing , blogs
, Adetem
, blogosphere, Marketing is Dead, Seth's blog