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 The MP3 of Virtual World

  • Revgi
  • Vendredi 04/05/2007
  • 20:13
  • Lu 2156 fois
  • Version imprimable

A great event that I could not attend but Stephane did and here is the link to the mp3 http://www.virtualworldtimes.com/news/2007/04/mp3s_available_.html

MP3s available for Virtual Worlds 2007 Day 1

 Virtual Worlds Spring Conference 2007.  Many thanks to John Swords with secondcast.com for encoding and hosting these.  Links below go right to the full MP3.

- Philip Rosedale, Founder and CEO, Linden Lab
- Trends and Numbers Panel
- MTV Nickelodeon Keynote
- Platforms and Technologies
- Defining Your Strategy and ROI
- Sundance Channel Case Study
- Virtual World Consumer Behaviors
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