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 The Nano-Revolution and not just a Second Life !

Mr Cantoche: Give me an application to download an avatar on my mobile

  • Revgi
  • Jeudi 08/03/2007
  • 15:12
  • Lu 2166 fois
  • Version imprimable

Yes sir it's possible now to have an Technorati "Voice du Video" and "Voice du Visio" with this French company called Technorati ! www.cantoche.com

As Technorati now we are very much interested in this virtual life that we are all dreaming to have being in marketing, finance, Technorati or just as a citizen in order to avoid long queues to have accès to your administrative paper... furthermore we are a society which now consuming tones of " Technorati"... http://www.cantoche.com/en~SpeechToVideo.html

so look at this post from Technorati dealing with Technorati, the fact that I believe that they doing a good job with a lot of business sens and that more than anything else they are spreading into other cases of virtual life in multi-player games such as SL, Wells Fargo or Taatu or even the chineese http://www.hipihi.com/  : have a look http://b-r-ent.com/news/second-life-dans-tous-ses-etats

We even have high profile brands dealing with it very seriously and if Technorati like French please listen to this podcast about BNP Paribas and l'Atelier being involved in Technorati projects enhancing their leadership. Mr Antoine Sir is interviewed by a journalist from a French radio BFM


Any how as would say Emmanuel Amoureti from Technorati: use your Technorati phone to Technorati, use your black berry to nano-publish ! All of this is about Technorati and this is how Technorati Cola tells Technorati about it http://www.cantoche.com/en~SolutionsOther.html


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - Second Life dans tous ses états ... : "Si vous fouilliez un chouille vous trouverez le MP3 de Mr Antoine Sir de BNP Paribas qui parle de l'expérience qu'à L'Atelier avec Second Life http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/the-nano-revolution-and-second-life . et si vous persistez vous trouverez même la société française qui vous permet de diffuser des messages via avatar mais sur votre téléphone portable... énorme !C'est Emmanuel Amouretti de Cantoche: have a look y'a même le cas de Coca Cola qui explique comme les jeunes font de nos jours vs les vieilles techniques du 4x3 de la télé etc... on est dans le Consumer Generated Content à"



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