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 The wisedom of crowds : collaborative football club management

Is this the beginng of football 2.0 ?

  • CM
  • Mardi 13/11/2007
  • 23:13
  • Lu 1927 fois
  • Version imprimable

The following is to a link from an article on Read Write web. Check it out...this might be the solution for ailing French football clubs like OM...but then again it might not.
and for more on the club :

What will happen to Technorati when people start clubbing together over the net to buy out players and clubs...armchair sports has never had it so good!

And what about the Technorati sports club industry...how much is being spent and made supporting Technorati sports clubs on places like SL ?

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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