For the launch of the "Collective Imagination" book of Brice Auckenthaler & Pierre d'Huy from ExpertsConsulting we have a 3 mainstream animations on the 12th of June 2007:
- real life with the party going on from 6PM up to late that night (100 guests are expected)
- blogosphère coverage with B-R-Ent & NNM and some moblogs to capture the event
- "Second Life " the Linden Lab application with Stephane ZugZwang developping the first ever Prepaid Card, with an outstanding algorithm to protect the transaction for the purchase of the book in Linden Dollars but also and foremost to protect the anonymous relationship between the vendor and the avatar !
The visit of Brice 's Virtual Room Office is undertaken as a rupture with traditional graphism and developments in Second Life . It's now about extended reality in 3D opening new perspectives of interactivity and immersion...
So what do we have collectively imagined for you ... first a great book but also a killer application with a unique Prepaid Card in Linden Dollars.
Your Linden Lab "second life " through your avatar gets a real second life as now you can build houses and undertake any kind of work over this software application and pay through this unique Prepaid Card protecting your anonymous status...
Furthemore the purchase of linden dollars is then put into a kind of forward financial product, ie the exchange rate of the Linden Dollar to the Dollar is fixed to the value of the day of the transaction prepaid . For the purpose of this book, it's an amount of 11000 Liden Dollars that is put on the Imagination Collective Prepaid Card (ie $36 dollars) and you can buy the book with you r "McTurtleBleu" avatar and get your product delivered to your real home without giving the opportunity to the vendor or the broker to know who really "McTurtleBleu" is in real life !!
The virtual ID of the avatar is protected by this revolutionary prepaid card ! Go and get the book to find out how it works !!
ps: here is the value of the market of prepaid
Mots-clés : Prepaid , SL , NNM , BRENT , Imagination Collective
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