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 Multiverse the virtual hyperlink to navigate into CGC whitelabels

The Economist ahead of the race again !

  • Revgi
  • Mercredi 13/06/2007
  • 00:01
  • Lu 3887 fois
  • Version imprimable

This is it : virtual universes can connect one to another via a new plateform " Technorati"... actually it's like coming back to explain the contribution of the "hyperlink" to a web site in 1995... this mutliverse plateforme brings the same capability build virtual worlds and to navigate from one customised Technorati to another one... just like that ! We could easily forsee that brands and corporations for B2C and B2B purposes would suscribe to this kind of killing applications... to the point that we can easily understand why this highly innovative company managed to raised Series A funding... just start with Technorati article "Online gaming's Netscape moment?" of June 7th http://www.economist.com/search/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9249157&CFID=4554328&CFTOKEN=34218013  

" Technorati'll be in one world, Technorati'll click on a portal, and Technorati'll be in the next one," [Ted Castronova] says. Just as the web makes it possible to create and follow links between a huge variety of websites, an open platform for virtual worlds could allow users to stroll seamlessly through Atlantis, across Mars and all the way to Shakespeare's Arden."

Anyhow, to show that this is the flavour of the month... maybe of the year... they just raised $4m

Here is what the press release about the funds says http://multiverse.net/press/pr20070531.jsp?cid=6&scid=9 " Technorati CEO and Co-Founder, Bill Turpin, and the other Technorati co-founders who are veterans from Netscape’s early days, helped create much of the core technology that fueled the growth of the World Wide Web.

“Similar to what we experienced with the Internet in 1995, our vision today is to spark explosive growth of 3D virtual worlds,” Turpin said. “As an industry, we’re just now beginning to understand this new medium’s enormous potential. Empowered by our technology, the next wave of online pioneers will create a wide variety of virtual worlds faster and for less money than ever before.

Presently, over 10,000 development teams from around the world have signed-up to use the Technorati Platform, and over 150 teams have begun building projects ranging from fantasy and science fiction MMOGs to educational worlds designed to teach users everything from math and science to the works of William Shakespeare.

There are days that I love this song of the late 80's "God save the Queen"... not just because I love playing Chess but because the rules of the Web are evolving such as a revolution... just like this song did to us at the time... NNM is about Consumer Generated Content and virtual worlds are booming thanks to this new energy !



Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


IBM and Second Life for Roland Garos

This is the picture of a Second Life... have time to play tennis... no but the time to get connected

Here is an abstract of what they say from http://www.neteco.com/75035-rolandgarros-succes-web-3d-confidentielle.html?xtor=EPR-1

"En l'espace de quelques semaines, www.rolandgarros.com aurait attiré 5 millions d'internautes, générant 26,7 millions de visites et plus de 223,9 millions de pages vues soit près de 10% de trafic en plus que pour l'édition 2006.

Il faut dire que cette année, IBM avait multiplié les innovations pour ce site web : console affichant les scores en temps réel, plan interactif des courts de tennis, "Point Tracker" pour visualiser la trajectoire d'une balle en 3D et même un véritable espace dans Second Life, reproduisant le stade de roland garros et les matchs en quasi temps réel.

«C'est l'occasion de montrer une solution qui tire profit de l'Internet 3D et qui apporte une réelle valeur ajoutée au tournoi de Roland-Garros. Relier le monde réel et le monde virtuel -en temps réel- permet aux utilisateurs de vivre Roland-Garros d'une nouvelle façon grâce à l'Internet 3D», explique Pierre Liger, directeur Marketing d'IBM France.



Second Life and Winbledon

Should you wish some more pictures... http://eightbar.co.uk/2006/06/27/wimbledon-in-second-life/

more Virtual Room then !




Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - " L'intranet au service de l'innovation : ascension : "n tout cas:- "on assiste à l’éclosion de marques blanches des univers virtuels, ie que l’on ne naviguerait plus virtuellement d’une url à une autre (notamment par liens hypertextes au sein d’une arborescence qui correspondant à des rails de chemins de fer modernes) mais d’un univers virtuel à un autre et c’est ce que propose multiverse cf le post sur NNM" http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/multiverse-the-virtual-hyperlink-to-navigate-into-cgc-whitelabels- "on n’est plus sur “le rail de chemin de fer” mais sur “la navette spatiale” qui évolue sur tous les plans dans une constellation de planettes que ce soit la future “planette” IBM, Cisco, MSN ou encore Nike, Wells Fargo, Amer"



Multiverse Adds Two More "Worlds in Progress"

http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2007/10/multiverse-adds.html Multiverse gets into the news again ! Gil

"When Multiverse released version 1.0 of its software in August, it released four "Worlds in Progress" as examples of what could be done on the platform. One was a simple social world, and the other three were games. Now Multiverse has added two more worlds for public consumption, an education game, Lunar Quest, and a more traditional MMOG, Force of Arms.   "We're building our world on the Multiverse Platform because their technology delivers the features, functionality and performance our team needs to create a world-class teaching application," said Tim Holt, lead designer, Retro Labs. "Their platform allows us to combine traditional gameplay features and capabilities into an innovative virtual world designed to engage students and make them a part of the teaching process."



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