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 Blog in Davos to change traditional marketing values

The Economist "Blogging Bosses"

  • Revgi
  • Vendredi 26/01/2007
  • 15:38
  • Lu 1850 fois
  • Version imprimable

NNM brings along new values... as we have to fight against the perception left by decades of traditional marketing... Many bosses gathered in Technorati are even geared toward blogging as many blogosphere stars are there... 

And the big question is... "is blogging really a suitable activity for a company boss? Seth Godin, author of business books such as “Small is the New Big”, and “All Marketers are Liars: the Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World”, is sceptical. Blogs work, he says, when they are based on the values of “candour, urgency, timeliness, pithiness and controversy (maybe utility if Technorati want six)” Sad answer... don't Technorati think !

I know that when Technorati publish a book Technorati have to deal with 2 things... find a title that will help to sell your stuff and once it's published Technorati don't have over the same physical support the comments from the clients... the reader that will need a nano-publishing tool to add value to the autor's positions. 

Here is the abstract from Technorati "Blogging Bosses"


Interesting thoughts... and here are some blogs about Technorati as there are no doubts that what will take place in this nice "Swiss" city will shape in some ways the future of environmental issues etc... http://blogs.lesechos.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=9 or the link I did on B-R-ENT already one year ago... still active: this is enhancing that blogs are here to stay... http://b-r-ent.com/news/davos-a-partir-du-blog-de-jm-vittori-les-echos

So far as nano-marketers are concerned, the challenge is there: let's be candid etc... YES but NO WAY !  It can't be just a YES SIR... The power gravity center is shifting from the Technorati and the corporation to the customer being an internal and/or an external client... don't Technorati think ?


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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