After Ipsos it's now Forrester who is enhancing the economic impact of blogs and goes directly to the heart of the corporate world. Let's say that the entire world gets Forrester 's vibes about the value of blog adventures all these corporations and brands are facing... and their effort is successful as they provide a good insight with these metrics and the frame hereunder...
With this key abstract from Steve Rubel about GM's FastLane we are going to the point... " Forrester estimates that GM saw 99% return for 2005 for its investment in blogging. In other words, the GM Fastlane blog generated $578,000 in value on an investment of $291,000.
Finally, the research firm also put together a terrific model for assessing blog risk: a) identify the three things that could happen, b) model the scenario and c) estimate its probability. " See or
But still I found that in the corporate world, it's not just about ROI but also about "opportunity cost "... Either your run a blog and apply the above frame with this add-on which is a more compelling story... or you have the choice to develop a website with the relevant man days of development associated with it and it's not just a matter of budget but more of the length of the decision making process within the organisation... which can easily take several months... and in the corporate world "Time is money".
Anyhow: please let me know your reaction on this additionnal model.
In many cases and for several of these criteria, traditionnal marketing technics are completely irrelevant, they can't detect these value added and disruptive practices... that's where nano-marketing comes on board with it's entire universe of skills and technics to measure new metrics, new nano-watts delivered in a team or in a new customer relationship enhancement.
Mots-clés : ROI , Forrester , Ipsos , NNM , Opportunity Cost , low-cost
Lien croisé
Blog des Managers Intranet - Une nouvelle étude Forrester sur le R.O.I. des blog : ". donc autant que vous l'ayez too... vous verez j'ai rajouté mon grain de sel sur NNM mais juste pour remuer le couteau dans la plaie ;-) ... cas illustré de Fast Lane est simple mais bien amené... car Forrester veut peut-être de l'audience too !Gil"