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 Community 2.0 up to the Wifi distributed connexion !

NNM is not just about nano-publishing but nano-distribution of digital content

  • Revgi
  • Mercredi 31/01/2007
  • 11:27
  • Lu 2119 fois
  • Version imprimable

Community 2.0 in web 2.0 adventure is getting everywhere with new applications that are each of them a bit of a revolution... look at this new one (thanks to Benoit !) http://www.whisher.com/fr/index.php

or for english http://www.whisher.com/en/index.php

NNM is a fantastic opportunity to identify digital content creation by peers and distribution through its network of mates, friends and family... it's also a long road to connecting through the world whilst travelling abroad or within your own organisation...

Watch this space !... have Technorati got a whish ?


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


and the threshold of 1000 unique visitors in January is just passed !

With this threshold just passed after just 1 month of life... this community would need to have a newsletter... please send me your email by clicking in the enveloppe hereabove !

Cheers !!!




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