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 Web 2.0 and e-recrutement for a HR nano-marketing

CV 2.0. is at stake for the individual and the corporation

  • Revgi
  • Jeudi 01/02/2007
  • 16:48
  • Lu 2003 fois
  • Version imprimable

Web 2.0 is changing the e-recrutement environment and it encompasses the individual (and its Technorati) but also the corporation needing to recruit new staffs, mixing several generations and fields of expertise...

This topic is the killing article of b-r-ent with this series of posts http://b-r-ent.com/news/le-haut-du-pave-des-sujets-du-moment-le-e-recrutement enhancind that marketing of human resources is at the heart of our society and corporations... but how does evolve the basic edited paper called a C.V. ?

Well it has to be nano-published too, and furthermore we are leaving tons of our creative digital content over the blogosphere creating our digital content footprint. It's our personality that expresses through out any devices as offers for jobs are coming through portals, emails, Technorati feeds, affiliation, viral marketing and Technorati phones... !

We are distributing with a different level of control our competitive advantages through Technorati HR technics for ourselves and our corporations... The revolutions of matching the two is on.


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


Lien croisé

BEA News : "Web 2.0 And E-Recrutement For A HR Nano-Marketing -- Nano 1, 2007 -- Nano Marketing states that Web 2.0 is not only changing the e-recruitment environment, but is also creating the need for corporations to recruit new staff that is a mix of several generations and fields of expertise.<"



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