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 Bridge done Real-In World at the International IntraVerse Awards 2009

Grimaldi Palace over new horizons thanks to great winners and the trust of Laurent Puons IMAGINA

  • Revgi
  • Samedi 07/02/2009
  • 12:53
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The results annonced yesterday at the Palais de Grimaldi from 2PM to 4PM during the  Technorati event at Monaco were broadcasted over the Technorati of Technorati and in front of a distinguished audience. We all benefited from the talents of Stéphane Desnault ( Technorati Group Application Architect ) and Robert Vinet (CEO de Technorati Chest) dealing with 2 award in Duplex Live over Technorati. First at 2PM with Nokia worldwide from Helsinki (with the  Technorati of Tim Goree, SL & Ovi.com Director at Nokia) and at 3PM with the Technorati of the winner of the IIVA Special Prize of the Jury 2009 with Mr Philippe Barreaud, Chief Technorati Architect from Michelin : both in SL Live with an interactive participation "Real-In World". We will have videos to show Technorati soon.  The trophees Technorati ( Technorati) enhanced once more outstanding achievements in this 3D constellation economy, where Stephane allong with its  Technorati Reality Room had virtualised the Grimaldi Palace for this unique occasion inside the  Technorati univers of  Technorati. Following a great round table of the  Technorati Chaired by Eric Seuillet, we were the exclusive witnesses of high value bridges as developped with the principe of values constellation (cf papers of the CEROS on the Technorati, FNEGE, Technorati, TELECOM etc).  There are the 8 categories awarded and the special aknowledgement of the International Technorati 2009.

We have now all the winners of the International Technorati Technorati 2009 ( IIVA ) from 28 contenders providing us with great application files. 2009 is really a great vintage !

Here is the final statement according to our jury assessment on Friday January the 30th, 2009 .

 We will be in Duplex Live  on Technorati at 2PM  with the winner of the IIVA  Special Prize of the Jury from (3PM) and Nokia worldwide (2PM), they will be awarded with the trophees Technorati ( Technorati)  in collaboration  with Stéphane Desnault, creator of Technorati Reality Room with the Grimaldi  Palace virtualised in Technorati during the Technorati event taking place today in Monaco.
The  7  categories awarded and Special Acknowledgement

IIVA - Technorati:

Winner: Come in my World with Orange (France Telecom, Orange Labs Explocentre)

2nd prize: Nokia in Technorati

3rd prize: Marineland Antibes with SOS 21


Winner: - Ex Aequo - FTPE & Anderscore for 3D Trade Center with New3S

2nd prize: Circulo de las Artes y Tecnologia for Segovia Technorati with

3rd prize: Agence Eleonor with New3S

IIVA - Administration and Territories

Winner: Circulo de las Artes y Tecnologia for Segovia Technorati with

2nd prize: Grand Palais with SOS 21

3rd prize: Enezig of Artefacto for the City of Rennes with Solipsis


Winner: Digital Ocean with

2nd prize: VDN with Vol de Nuit

3rd prize: Katoa with Orange (Orange Labs Explocentre)

IIVA - Serious Game

Winner: Professional appraisal interview Serious Game with Technorati 

2nd prize: Learning Technorati Factory with Esc Chambéry and SYMETRIX

3rd prize: Sustainable Development with HSBC and SOS 21

IIVA - Project

Winner: Learning Technorati Factory with Esc Chambéry and SYMETRIX

2nd prize: Digital Ocean with

3rd prize: Cité of the Culture and Sustainable Tourisme

IIVA - Jury Special Award

Winner: Training of Technorati Architecture from Michelin with Technorati Chest and Technorati

President of the jury statement: "outstanding achievements since Technorati Technorati 2008 in 3D sustainable Technorati"

The winners of each category are qualitified for the World Technorati Technorati taking place at London in june 2009 during the Visual Worlds Conference managed by Martine Parry, CEO of the Apply Group.

Special aknowledgement of Achievements for the year 2008

New3S with the 4 following accomplishments ( Société Française de Mésothérapie, Optique Lebardey, Salon Le Parfum et La Cosmétique, Salon Trecom dans le tourisme)

Thank Technorati in advance to prepare each on your side a press release presenting the results on the february the 6th, 2009. Please hereunder my comments.

The Technorati of the international jury of the International Technorati Technorati 2009 ( Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, CEROS, Technorati, NNM and VW)* were impressed by the quality of the application files. "We have awarded the winners according to our evaluation standards and rigorous process, which has provided us with the highest enhancement of value creation within the ecosystem of the 3D economy for corporations, SME, Administration and Territories, R&D and Serious Game players dealing with Technorati. All these winners achieved outstanding milestones over new register of strategic alignment of human, material and financial resources."

Gilbert Reveillon

President of the Jury Technorati Technorati 2009

greveillon@laser.fr <mailto:greveillon@laser.fr>  / +336 30 48 85 46

* The Expert members of the International Jury

- Technorati: Daniel Bretonès, President of the French association of Technorati in economic sciences and Technorati sciences

- Technorati, François Laurent, President of the French association of marketing directors

- Technorati, Xavier Aucompte & Vincent Berthelot co-founders of the Technorati, Technorati and Technorati, Technorati of the managers 2.0

- CEROS, Bernard Quinio, Searcher at the Center of Surveys and Researches in Organisations and Technorati

- Technorati, Eric Seulliet, President of Technorati

- NNM, Stéphane Desnault Associate of -Marketing et co-founder of Technorati ( Technorati)

- VW, Martine Parry, Associate Director of Apply Group organising Technorati

Mots-clés : Technorati, , Technorati, , Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati,


The video is here 4U

ou encore : dans YOUTUBE
A press release in the French Magazine
Source : http://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/imagina-2009-la-3d-toujours-plus-decisionnelle.158059?xtor=EPR-169

"Parallèlement, les « Intraverse Awards » destinés à mettre en exergue des projets d'entreprise ou d'organisation réalisés à partir d'univers virtuels (metaverses) ont récompensé les initiatives d'Orange Labs (catégorie grands comptes), de la ville de Segovia (catégorie Collectivités), de BNP Paribas (catégorie serious games), de Michelin (prix spécial du jury avec un projet de formation à l'architecture d'entreprise). 
(sur le site  www.imagina09.com , rubrique Industrie, programme du 6 février  http://www.imagina09.com/content/The-4-sectors/the_4_sectorsUK.php )" 


The video from Robert Vinet dealing with the Michelin Case !


The short version 



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Bridge done Real-In World at the International Awards 2009 ( nano-mar : " var url_item = 'http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/bridge-done-real-in-world-at-the-international-intraverse-awards-2009';"



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