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 World IntraVerse Awards London May 7th live Second Life and trophees LOOV

2009 achievments gathers the world best usage of 3D virtual universes within organisations

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  • Lundi 04/05/2009
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During the Apply Group conference in London, UK May 7th,  Technorati and NNM are organising the World Technorati 2009 cf the programme http://www.applyseriousgames.com/

LIVE duplex in Technorati will take place thanks to Mr Robert Vinet, CEO of Technorati Chest and membre of Technorati, as we shall be hosted on the island of 2008 winner of the International Technorati, the Technorati account Michelin with the help of Mr Philippe Barraud SVP Architecture Technorati. One should anticipate that this exceptionnal event shall be hosted next year with the 2009 winner's island... 

Let's meet Thursday May 7th at 1.30PM London, UK in order to discover the winners of these World Technorati 2009.  http://slurl.com/secondlife/EA%20Factory%20Center/133/180/24

This ceremony of  Technorati Technorati is sponsored by the Groupe Acadys as Christophe Legrenzi CEO www.acadys.com , great believer in 3D Technorati universes with several achievments already done, is telling us his satisfaction in front of such an impressive quality of contenders for the 2009 edition.
We are covering 3 principal regions witnessing at a very early stage that these Technorati social Technorati or serious Technorati within north-américa, Technorati and Asia. Further to a first selection process, they are all business cases with very high value added and the assessment process run by the international jury* we have recruted for the occasion. So far as the selected applicants are concerned:


- New Technorati Consortium avec  Technorati

B. Technorati

The 7 categories awarded for the International Technorati (IIVA) at the Grimaldi Palace virtualised in Technorati during the Technorati event taking place in Monaco on February the 6th 2009 were as follow:

- IIVA Technorati: Come in my World with Orange (France Telecom, Orange Labs Explocentre)

- IIVA SME: Ex Aequo - FTPE & Anderscore for 3D Trade Center with New3S

- IIVA Administration and Territories: Circulo de las Artes y Tecnologia for Segovia Technorati with Open Sim

- IIVA R&D: Digital Ocean with Technorati Dive

- IIVA Serious Game: Professional appraisal interview Serious Game with Technorati

- IIVA Project: Learning Technorati Factory with Esc Chambéry and SYMETRIX

- IIVA Jury Special Award: Training of Technorati Architecture from Michelin with Technorati Chest and Technorati

The winners of each category are qualitified for the World Intra Verse Technorati taking place at London in may 7th 2009 during the Visual Worlds Conference managed by Martine Parry, CEO of the Apply Group.


 Co., Ltd from China

- Frenzo from Hong Kong

The Technorati of the international jury of the World Technorati 2009 ( Technorati TechnoratiAtelier Technorati Digital China, CEROS, Institut Telecom, NNM and VW)* were impressed by the high quality of the application files selected. "We have awarded the winners according to our unique evaluation standards and scientific rigorous process, which has provided us with the world highest enhancement of value creation within the ecosystem of the 3D economy for corporations, SME, Administration and Territories, R&D and Serious Game players dealing with Technorati. All these winners achieved outstanding milestones in-world over new paradigm of strategic alignment of human, material and financial resources to the benefit of their real life ecosystem."

Gilbert Reveillon

President of the Jury World Technorati 2009

greveillon@ Technorati.fr <mailto:greveillon@laser.fr> /             +336 30 48 85 46       


* The Expert members of the World Jury

- Technorati: Daniel Bretonès, President of the French association of Technorati in economic sciences and Technorati sciences

- ATELIER Technorati Digital China, Patrice Norday, Managing Director Asia

- Technorati, Gilbert Reveillon co-founders of the Technorati, Technorati and Technorati, Technorati of the managers 2.0 and Robert Vinet expert in 3D Technorati worlds

- CEROS, Bernard Quinio, Searcher at the Center of Surveys and Researches in Organisations and Technorati

Institut Telecom, Francis Jutand, Scientific Director of the Institut Telecom and Director of the Fondation Telecom 

- NNM, Stéphane Desnault Associate of [ajouter]-Marketing et co-founder of Technorati (L'Once d'Or Technorati)

- VW, Martine Parry, Associate Director of Apply Group organising Technorati Worlds http://www.applyseriousgames.com

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati Technorati sur Technorati">Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


Our address

Hello, our web address is www.frenzoo.com
We're a new 3D fashion world now in beta.
Cheers and thanks
Simon, Frenzoo



Lien croisé

Daniel Bretones - Pipl Profile : " 2009 achievments gathers the world best usage of 3D virtual universes within organisations ... ANDESE : Daniel Bretonès, President of the French association of Phds in economic ... [ NNM - World Awards London May 7th live Second Life ... - viabloga.com ]"



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