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 Business Week scared by Twittering !

These blogs run above 10K links up to 18K content driven links

  • Revgi
  • Jeudi 07/06/2007
  • 23:34
  • Lu 2275 fois
  • Version imprimable

Web 2.0 is not just about Technorati even if this application is fun and runs from a Technorati phone (which is cool) but about content see the top 5 list ranked by volume of links to editorial content blogs http://newsletters.businessweek.com/c.asp?662012&a6034fe05081c932&2                                    #1 is www.engadget.com Blogger-in-chief: Peter Rojas Known for: Breaking and analyzing tech news Links: 28,508; # 2 is www.boingboing.net Bloggers-in-chief: Cory Doctorow, Mark Frauenfelder, Xeni Jardin, David Pescovitz Known for: Posts about cool new technologies and pop culture Links: 21,428; # 3 www.gizmodo.com Blogger-in-chief: Nick Denton Known for: Consumer electronics news Links: 19,819; # 4 www.techcrunch.com ; # 5 is the first lady www.huffingtonpost.com Blogger-in-chief: Arianna Huffington Known for: Political news and commentary Links: 16,056 ... Marketing is still not there !

www.lifehacker.com; www.arstechnica.com; www.dailykos.com; www.postsecret.blogspot.com; and # 10 www.michellemalkin.com another lady with Blogger-in-chief: Michelle Malkin Known for: Conservative political commentary Links: 10,232 and no marketing neither...

OK one day NNM will move up the long tail!



Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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