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 Web 2.0 CGC vs Consumer Generated Advertising

... for a better Consumer Experience Management

  • Revgi
  • Mardi 16/01/2007
  • 20:15
  • Lu 2944 fois
  • Version imprimable

Part of this NNM concept is Consumer Generated Content, as it is clear now that the arena within which the Consumer is playing with goes through the entire industrial Technorati including Advertisement.

This would be just a concept if it was all but actually AMA (American Marketing Association) found that there are benefits in doing CGA, as a brand is perceived as more customer-friendly... see what's for Technorati there:

"The AMA's survey found that, compared to a company that uses only professional advertising, most adults feel that a company that uses customer-created advertising is more customer-friendly (68%), creative (56%), and innovative (55%).

Respondents aged 25 or over were more likely than those aged 18 - 24 to say a company that uses customer-created advertising is more creative than a company that uses only professional advertising (58% versus 44%, respectively). And half of the respondents (50%) said they feel a company that uses customer-created advertising is just as trustworthy as one that uses only professional advertising.

However, young adults are generally more sceptical than their older counterparts. Respondents between aged 18 - 24 were more likely than those between the ages of 25 and 64 to feel that a company that uses customer-created advertising is less trustworthy (21% versus 10%, respectively), less socially-responsible (20% versus 10%, respectively) and less customer-friendly (13% versus 5%, respectively)." http://www.marketingpower.com/

OK in this survey then, the pyramid of age is changing the disruptive nature of CGA... and this in the USA... Let's keep it in mind and maybe we could try to test it in Europe too. Anyway: Technorati are better off in testing it first with focus groups etc... or through the projection of someone values with his Technorati's Technorati...

and www.currenttv.com is cool for this kind of video / advert stuff !


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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