Top 10: are you ready ! this is a great guide
1. Logic + Emotion
David Armano’s blog
2. Creating Passionate Users
Kathy Sierra and Dan Russell
3. Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social
Media Technologies
Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff
4. Occam's Razor
Avinash’s blog
5. Copyblogger
Brian Clark’s Copyblogger
6. Grokdotcom
The collective blog of Future Now
7. Problogger
Darren Rowse
8. Church of the Customer
10. E-consultancy
E-consultancy news team
The blogs of some of cScape's employees and customer engagement consultants.
- Dave Chaffey’s Internet marketing and E-marketing blog
- Chris O’Brien’s Sharepoint nuts and bolts
- Ed Mitchell’s Platform Neutral
- And of course a couple of my own, Loopstatic and Looplite
So ok, it's not really 10, neither Top 10 but good to launch a benchmark of what is on regarding Consumer Engagement. Their survey last year was great !
Mots-clés : cScape