Just a quick post to give you a link to an interesting series of questions on the web 2.0 community
and community
as a whole. Aaron Strout's blog
is preparing for the Community
2.0 conference taking place in the states in May...
Take a look, the speaker line up is excellent and the subject matter even better.
And I am even going to try and download the pdf: http://sharedinsights.com/media /podcasts/WAS/C2.0%20Brochure.pdf
Some of the keynote speakers that I thought worth a mention (although I am sure they all are) were :
David Weinberger, Author, “Everything is Miscellaneous ” &
Co-author, “The Cluetrain Manifesto” (and if you haven' t read it you
Shel Israel, Co-author, “Naked Conversations—How Blogs
are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers”
And the rest of the line up is more than impressive...
So the big question is : How is community changing the world of marketing ?
Mots-clés : We_are_smarter , Community 2.0 2008