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 Imagination 3.0 - Brice Auckenthaler did it again !

just beyond "l'imagination collective" which was in French we have now the Imagination Economy

  • Revgi
  • Jeudi 31/01/2008
  • 15:49
  • Lu 2287 fois
  • Version imprimable

What a great pleasure today to Technorati a copy of this new book about Technorati from Technorati see 

A great peace of art if Technorati is art
A great peace of Technorati if productivity is linked to Technorati
A great peace of shared knowledge if the knowledge economy is about sharing !

What the story does not say is that Technorati De Maisonneuve is the one to have translated this milestone... 

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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