We have spent 3 days at Montreal for the yearly event IntraCom , blogging every event with outstanding speakers and educational content related to intranet, extranet and internet !
- the warm up was this post I did talking about IBM experiences into SL: have a look on their event with 150 avatars for the reward ceremony and how intranet is evolving into virtuality http://b-r-ent.com/news/intranet-via-sl-ibm-serait-il-tout-ou-partie-dessus
- then we arrived with Vincent and did a magical mystery tour of great Montreal : pictures are just great http://b-r-ent.com/news/montreal up to the last fine tunning with the organisation http://b-r-ent.com/news/ic-montreal (You can see Alain Mongrain President of API, Mr Holtz from the USA, Vincent Berthelot from B-R-Ent and VP Club Net, and Michel Germain Administrator of Club Net): the nano-published picture is from me...
- Then what a great start from Shel Holtz from Crayon with a unique diagram of the evolution of the media.. just what we needed to further enhance the value of NNM http://b-r-ent.com/news/roi-fragmentation-of-social-media-and-conversation-engagement
- The BRENT squad went then to see http://b-r-ent.com/news/sylvain-amoros about Web Performance
Mots-clés : B-R-ENT , Intra Com , IBM , 3D , NNP , NNM