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 Leweb3 and BlogVerse !

Let's think about it

  • Revgi
  • Vendredi 09/11/2007
  • 10:34
  • Lu 3542 fois
  • Version imprimable

In order to prepare a next talk at the web3 on december 11th at Technorati www.leweb3.com Technorati might have some ideas about co-creation and more specifically what Technorati have (or will) witness as an impact between Technorati and Technorati such as Technorati...

Many Technorati and bachelors being scientist or developpers at Technorati, Technorati, Cisco, Technorati etc. are using at least one Technorati in one of these Technorati worlds as well as a Technorati and or a wiki to exchange with there communities... being internal and external insights for Technorati...

Technorati might have a view on this topic being on manangement 2.0, production 2.0, collaboration 2.0, research 2.0 and of course Technorati...

Let's exchange on it here



Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


what Technorati tells us about BlogVerse

  • just 4 blogs but B2C and none are investigating this issue: are blogs and wikis leveraging virtual universe and vise versa !

    http://tlb.typepad.com/tk  (great interview of Peter Druker - the management guru)


    BlogVerse - some insights

    The main charateristic that brings a Blog into a metaverse is the tracability. You are living realtime experiences into a virtual universe but all the main news are into the  http://blog.secondlife.com

    There are some additionnal players into the 3D immersive virtual world such as http://www.mylife3D.com/ which creates a loft within which you are sharing a virtual living room, broadcasting a video, watch a game etc...

    Blog/wiki are more reliable Content Management Systems as there is always a need to upload a client serveur application on your computer when dealing with a virtual world... the 30 mega octects from Second Life are an obstacle as much as the corporate firewall preventing you from using it at work... it's a risk matter management and the thumb is down on virtual universe usage at work.

    On the risk management side there is also what Thierry Maillet brought to our attention

    "Splendeurs et merveilles du virtuel

    Avec l'imagerie médicale, les sites de rencontres ou les jeux en ligne, tels World of Warcraft ou Second Life, le virtuel s'immisce dans notre quotidien. Certains s'alarment de la dissolution du lien avec le réel, tandis que d'autres célèbrent les prouesses technologiques. Et si son intérêt majeur était de nous aider à apprivoiser le monde… sans risque ? Par Pierre-Henri Tavoillot"

    Virtual life a mean helping to to capture the world without risk !



    Lien croisé

    Blog des Managers Intranet - Une invitation en OR avec le Blogverse ! : "sens aux différentes pistes et modalités d'expression du Web 2.0 nous avons mis en place une "task force" d'analyse et de proposition sur NNM cf  http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/leweb3-and-blogverse "



    Blogverse, blogverse????

    Sur google: www.blogverse.com....VIDE
    Vite un vraie définition pour les béotiens curieux.




    The best answer is on Second Life when you login ...

    Try to do a short curt of the message you can read each time one is logging in SL... the best place to get news about what is taking place in this Verse: just go to http://blog.secondlife.com/ !

    Here is the screen shot and the white string says: "visit the official Linden BLOG for the latest world status update !"

    A blog/wiki is the only way to keep on with the pace of evolution in these 3D immersive worlds !



    If Web 2.0 is creating communities, then perhaps Web 3.0 might use these communities...or at least show us how to, & create usages for them....
    What's interesting and important about the metaverse and all that comes with it is finding real world uses for all these virtual tools...Markets are conversations...but are conversations necessarily markets ?
    Don't forget to keep your feet on the ground.



    Bloghud - an application for blogging from SL

    "The 'blogHUD' is a tool to let you blog from Second Life and crosspost your text posts or image postcards to your own blog or photo-sharing account.

    It allows the owner to easily post a blog entry to bloghud.com. As a PRO user you can post to your own external blog if their system is supported. Posts come with a map location of where you posted from in Second Life, along with RSS feeds to subscribe to for your favourite people or places.



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