Publishing realtime online and start discussing with engineers about Web 2.0... they will trigger the added value of Wikis, do the same with marketers it will be Blogs... wikis vs blogs will be a long discussion for years but for me it's just NNP i.e. nano-publishing either in a mono-editorial capability or in pluri-editorial capability. This plateform of Viabloga does both along with aborescence etc... So why NNP is here again ? Simply because life in Second Life becomes much easier with Comverse (another "Verse" usage...) as they provide the software allowing you to get access remotely to SL. Then you could use SL to connect long distance calls, do it SMS, MMS and IM...
Here are some documentation of this experience developped by Comverse as it all started with Accenture 's blog and this contribution !
So far as Habbo is concerned here is the importance of Prepaid Cards... but these bridges Real vs Virtual Life are well known of Cyworld too ! the US one is not as strong as the korean one but wait and see...
Mots-clés : NNP , Comverse , Second Life , Mobile , 3D , Habbo , Cyworld , Accenture