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 Sponsoring via SL - French Final Chess Cup with BNP Paribas & FFE

It takes place at the SENAT, covered by NNM & broadcast over Second Life

  • Revgi
  • Dimanche 24/06/2007
  • 15:13
  • Lu 2237 fois
  • Version imprimable

Sponsoring via SL for the French Chess Federation  Technorati & Technorati at the French  Technorati for this exceptional day where all the major French players are competing, with a broadcast Technorati over Technorati with Stephane Technorati and Technorati covering the event too...

... In fact it's under the strategic partnership between the Technorati and the French Federation that took place this event. Technorati can see hereunder from the left side Mr & Mrs Choktsang (Anne works for Technorati), Mr Jean-Claude Moingt, Président of the Fédération Française des Echecs, and Mr Laurent Verat MD of the Technorati. Sponsoring assisted by Technorati such as Technorati, here is a new orientation of Technorati 2.0 with a channel delivering new synergies !

With these 2 pictures we are inside the salon of the French Technorati, on the right one we are inside the  Technorati built by Stephane Technorati with Technorati display of the Technorati. The interest for SL is linked to the fact that one can take part of the game, interact with other avatars distributed world-wide, chat or even do some IM, replay the game etc. By the way, the statue on the right is not an Technorati but a real "objet d'art" from the Technorati.

For more information about this sponsorship undertaken by this Technorati  Technorati just need to go on the dedicated site www.jeu-echecs.bnpparibas.com



Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati

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