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 Steph is really bridging realities and he does it with Strategies !

The best ever venue to take place in Second Life on dec 3rd & 4th

  • Revgi
  • Mardi 20/11/2007
  • 00:07
  • Lu 3088 fois
  • Version imprimable

We were preparing a venue for a short meeting tomorrow night with the attendees of the forthcoming conference of the very famous french magazine called " Technorati " and we worked along with Vanessa, Xavier and Stephane and a few others such as Bertrand into a strategic alignment of what ought to be the web 2.0 template of seminars dealing with Technorati 2.0 . Tonight is already an astonishing outcome as Technorati can see from these print screens. We are waiting for a short cut of an introduction course with around 20 Technorati.

By clicking on the board where there are the logos Technorati connect directly with the outside Technorati world and Technorati directly to either NNM, Technorati etc...

Look also at the master piece of art of the Technorati and the meeting rooms. Stephane is also enhancing a brief outlook of the Technorati concept and gathered a tremendous welcome ! Watch this space as there is more to come about it. Just have a look into the dialogue box captured (by clicking on the picture Technorati can Technorati it bigger and read the text). The first night out is really a unique and highly appealing artefact with a compelling story...

Technorati want to know more about it, stay tuned, join the conference real life or Technorati or read this Technorati !


Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


and soon to come the mobile version au the metaverse with SUN in Japan

http://www.high-tech-info.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3461 thanks to Louis we can now have a picture of what it will soon be !

" Il sera bientôt possible de vivre une seconde vie à plein temps. Ceux qui passent déjà le plus clair de leurs temps dans Second life sur leur PC pourront maintenant emmener le plus populaire des mondes virtuels partout avec eux.

L'univers développé par la société américaine Linden Lab sera en effet accessible à partir de mi-décembre depuis les téléphones mobiles de troisième génération du premier opérateur cellulaire japonais, NTT , annonce la start-up nippone SUN."



back to NNM - difference of Viral Marketing vs Social Marketing !

Here we have a good insight from this author delivering good ideas to make a difference between Viral and Social Marketing... have a look but in few words this is good http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/17375.asp By John Ginsberg
"There are numerous personality types to consider when designing a social marketing campaign. Some examples include:


  • The first to introduce a new idea: participants want to be seen as an innovator and market leader, and want to be the first to introduce friends and colleagues to new and exciting ideas.
  • The first to send on something funny: participants want to be known for their sense of humour, and for being the one who brightens up their friends' days.
  • The first to warn of impending danger: participants want to be known as someone who cares for the well being and safety of their friends.
  • The first to support a good cause: participants want to be known as someone who cares for their environment."



Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - Rendez-vous sur Second Life à 21h : "http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/steph-is-really-bringing-realities-and-he-does-it-with-strategies cf notamment la différence de graphisme entre les arbres traditionnels sur SL et ceux que nous livre Stéphane avec la VRR ! Enorme !! Gil "



Stratégies - build up process !

Today's meeting was just great ! Thanks to Vanessa, Steph, Robert, Xavier and Vincent... etc...



Lien croisé

Entreprise 2.0 : la première conférence Stratégies sur l'intégration des nouvell : "Lire l'article sur: http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/steph-is-really-bringing-realities-and-he-does-it-with-strategies#comments"



It was a surprise to see that everybody was speaking and I have no microphone just my keypad !!!

At least I have been able to listen thank's to Stephan to explain me how to do, next time I will have also the right to speak if i have the time to buy the right stuff!

Welcome in SL!



Lien croisé

Entreprise 2.0 : la première conférence Stratégies sur l'intégration des nouvell : "Lire également l'article de Gilbert Reveillon sur : http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/steph-is-really-bringing-realities-and-he-does-it-with-strategies#comments"



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Second life/actualites/s inscrire sur Second Life : "document.write('');NNM - Steph is really bridging realities and he does it with ..."



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