This usage of Google Earth enhances greatly the creativity now possible in dealing with traditional issues... how to differenciate himself in the marketing arena for this young gentleman full of talent !
Ozgur Alaz from Marketallica has made a resume using Google earth and Jacques Froissant must have spoted it
Now party time with this other application based on the Google Earth API, very useful when you travel (thks Bertrand - I'm going to miss you )
For the serious ones... there is an entire file on B-R-ENT
Mots-clés : Google Earth , NNM , Ozgur , Marketallica , Resumé , B-R-ENT
Lien croisé
Jacques FROISSANT Altaïde: CV sous Google Earth ! : " réalisé son CV sous Google Earth. Dans la série des CV originaux, il va directement occuper une place dans le top ten ! Pour visionner son CV, il faut avoir installé Google Earth sur sa machine. Merci à Gilbert pour l'info (vue sur Nano Marketing)."