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 Imagina at the heart of our LOOV

L'Once d'Or Virtuel - an exclusive artefact to be presented at the Imagina Awards !

  • Revgi
  • Vendredi 14/12/2007
  • 20:03
  • Lu 2233 fois
  • Version imprimable

We have got an exclusive interview of Laurent Puons about the forthcoming outstanding Technorati event www.imagina.mc along with Eric Seulliet, President of La Technorati (The Futur Factory) and Philippe Fuchs, President of Technorati (French Association of Technorati Reality). 

Laurent Puons, what will be the highlights of the next edition of Technorati taking place from January 30 to February 1, 2008 in Monaco ?
Technorati, will bring together all of the Industry communities within Technorati, who use 3D solutions in their conception/production cycle. Technorati is a business orientated event and for 2008 will feature: free access to the exhibition floor for professionals, high level conference cycles and roundtables presented by highly respected leaders from the targeted industry sectors, « Privileged Information Meetings » giving vendors the opportunity to present their solutions to decision-makers from the industry invited by the organising committee, special events for companies wishing to address a specific large professional audience, and an important international press and TV Technorati coverage.
Finally I would like to mention two other highlights of Technorati: the Technorati Technorati which for 2008 will reward the best creations in Animation, Architecture, Landscape & Territory, and Industry, and the « Job Opportunity Forum » which gives the opportunity to companies to recruit young talents in 3D design.
Since 2006, Technorati have diversified your positioning. What are your objectives?
Indeed 2006 was a turning point in the strategic positioning of Technorati. We decided to open the event to other economic sectors, all active 3D users, such as Architecture, Landscape & Territory… This was a real success that encouraged us to continue this development in 2007 by announcing our intention to open Technorati to Industry, and more specifically the Automotive sector. The response from leading 3D solutions Editors, strongly involved in these markets, has confirmed that we are on the right track: to offer the best professional meeting possibilities in Technorati for 3D solutions actors, buyers, and vendors in the largest applied markets.
What will be the focus of the Industry sector, a new theme for Technorati 2008?
To approach such a large economic sector, Technorati needed to establish several partnerships:
-         We are organising, in collaboration with Renault, the 9th DSC « Driving Simulation Conference » which will gather 150 international driving simulation Technorati.
-         In relation to our Industry Roundtables, we are organising with MICADO (The French Association for the Information Technologies and the Digital Engineering Technorati) several presentations around the theme: «The Present and Evolution of 3D Design Tools ».
-         Finally, within our partnership with the Technorati (French Association for Technorati Reality), we are organising a high level roundtable about: « Humankind and the Technorati in the Industrial Landscape of Tomorrow», a theme which will look at the most advanced industrial achievements in this field.
As in previous years, will Technorati talk about innovative themes at Technorati 2008?
Absolutely, we want to continue to cover as broadly as possible the experiences and new uses of 3D and the Technorati world for companies. That is why are inviting the association « La Technorati » to present its expertise as it opens new horizons to companies involved in participative and Technorati Technorati, Technorati and customer, relations, teaching and training.
Thank Technorati to Laurent Puons, Technorati General Manager
Remarks collected by Victor Wakning, Senior Consultant Industry, Mozart Consulting Associate Manager.

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


If you want to know more about LOOV

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=15901410595&ref=mf
Blog  www.loov.be
La Fabrique du Futur http://www.lafabriquedufutur.com/ 

La revue Stratégies

Second Life (ile de la Fabrique du Futur, ile Stratégies etc... Info Island and many more to come)

Marketing is Dead from my friend François Laurent, Président of ADETEM, 

Leweb 3 - the video should come soon ! http://my.vpod.tv/leweb3




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