So how is 3.0 significant?
a) The next step for Web 2.0 – possibly…I'll leave the Web 2.0 experts to answer that one.
b) A reference to CACO : you , your customer and your co-worker ? Consumer / co-worker assisted conception – Yes and I’ll let you read the book for a more detailed explanation of this concept.
c) And finally (cos here we’re talking in threes) me, myself and I…yes, at least I think so !
I want to take you back to the basic case for an economy driven by imagination…collective or otherwise. Management , product marketing , R& D, innovation , and creation …are all human sciences…
“Human or ‘life’ sciences because at the heart of each [managing men, managing products, managing innovation …] there is life: human resources, material and immaterial resources for nourishing body and mind, and in short, inventing more exciting futures for humankind.
Given this [every assumption can be contested], the idea that Man is at the heart of the matter means that the 3rd millennium will allow everyone [employee, shareholder, client, consumer, partner…] to have a little more power over himself. He will be more in control of what’s to come and more the author of his destiny [Me, my life, my work]”
“Becoming the co-author means, literally, taking charge of one’s life and giving meaning to each day by reinventing it and, in the end, enjoying living. Isn’t that what being alive is all about ? “
What do you think ?
Mots-clés : Imagination 3.0 , Collective Creativity , collaborative , participative, Web 3D