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 Nano-marketing at the Web 3

  • Revgi
  • Jeudi 14/12/2006
  • 11:51
  • Lu 4997 fois
  • Version imprimable

Le Web 3 took place in Technorati this week and it was the opportunity to present Technorati, already know to the Technorati manager Technorati in France and Technorati, but also to better enhance the added value of the NNM concept...

Have a look and let me know if Technorati feel the same that old marketing technics are

- absolutely necessary to have as a base of knowledge and professional code of conduct

- but not sufficient anymore to leverage all the wealth of the web 2.0. tools, Technorati properties and daily usage of new expertises. 

There is no way that NNM technics are going to substitute the Micro-Marketing, concept launched several years ago by Cristina Ziliani, PhD, University of Parma, Italy or even the Marketing technics and all the outstanding knowledge published so far and integrated in all the entreprises of this world... but as bloggers, enterprises and Technorati communities are evolving and maturing it's about time to identify this professional practise of NNM.

The previous marketing paradigm


The new complexity of marketing openning a new era of technics bridging the gap between generations, expertises and practises is encapsulated hereunder...

All of this integration process is leading to a new empowerement of organisations and corporations; many of them are now capable to strategically align themselves to these new horizons of creativity and wealth creation through Technorati equity Technorati.

The Technorati to do it before was not relevant, but now all the tools exists to measure the effectiveness and the efficiency of this differenciating tools and expertises. Technorati is witnessing it for more than a year now. Let's provide this knowledge to more enterprises.

Maslow is also part of the new deal... 




Lien croisé

Blog des managers intranet - EBG TOP 500 : " le NNM s'impose: cf l'extrait sur les 2 slides suivantes 
http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/5.shtml On en reparle avec vos marketer...Cheers,Gil" rel="nofollow"



What does it mean "NEW !" in today's world !

just for fun have a look on http://www.kotlermarketing.com/resources/researchreports.html where on the 14 dec 2006 appears a the web page of The Kotler Marketing Group with the following "fresh" news... of 2004. 

NEW! 2004 ROI Current Practices Survey

KMG's series of ROI reports is written for technology vendors seeking to develop a more credible and compelling business case for their solutions"

Some of you might know the rising star JP Batier... he is the one who brought to my attention the fact that today, we were not any more on the "one to one" issue but on the "One to When"... dealing today with a "new" flag for a white paper from 2004 is not really into the blogosphere pace !

Here is what he says in french: « Fini le " one-to-one ", nous entrons désormais dans une logique du " one-to-when " : l'enjeu n'est plus de cibler les bons consommateurs, mais de trouver le bon moment pour s'adresser à des individus devenus multifacettes », conclut Jean-Pierre Batier." in http://www.lsa.fr/archive/page_archive.cfm?id_article=L197504601&titre=Les%20Fran%C3%A7ais%20entre%20plaisir%20et%20contrainte 

Lsa N°1975 le 16-11-2006Gil



What could a blog have done ...

Mr R could have nano-published it himself, at no extra-cost from a mobile phone and of course in due course (2004 vs dec 2006) from a computer.

He could have used the blog search engine as any word nano-published in a blog, such as this one, is natively indexed; then once this is understood he could have found the key word and consummer promise of "new" content on a regular basis and take it out easily in 2006...

Any virtual community would have brought some added value on the 2004 ROI process... And so many other things linked to NNM such as a collaborative wiki...

Food for thought as today success in business is in the smallest details... that may be why it's nano-marketing.




Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - Gartner aurait-il enfin découvert le nano-marketing : " on arrête que penser que l'individu (et du coup le collaborateur) n'est qu'un bloc unique de besoins... les différents communautés auxquels il souscrit volontairement peuvent être divergentes et parfois convergentes mais en aucun cas seulement ce que nous a martellé le CRM ou encore "1 TO 1" ! Vive le "1 to N-1" du Nano-marketing cf la réf de déc 06 http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/nano-marketing-at-the-web-3 Bon revenons à ce qu'en dit Gartner "Virtual Worlds are not about Technology, they are about people and communities": on est enfin très heureux de l'entendre aussi haut et fort! "



Lien croisé

recettes-marketing.com : "Pour aller plus loin, je vous invite à consulter cet autre article."



Lien croisé

Le Nano-marketing définirait-il le marketing du web 2.0 ? - Paperblog : "Pour aller plus loin, je vous invite à consulter cet autre article."



Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - EBG TOP 500 : "rise dans son champs concurrentiel et que l'on touche à l'angle marketing il faut faire le constat suivant... avec le Nano-publishing le NNM s'impose: cf l'extrait sur les 2 slides suivantes http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/5.shtml On en reparle avec vos marketer...Cheers,Gil"



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