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 The nano-marketing applied to Politics

  • Revgi
  • Vendredi 16/02/2007
  • 12:42
  • Lu 1808 fois
  • Version imprimable

Great article on Technorati about the role of politics and the new french elections for the blogosphère being public or Technorati blogging. We have a great case of a French journalist being banned from working at the normal TV chain until the end of the election campaign as he was captured on a video giving his support to one of the candidates...

This is a pure exemple of the power fo Technorati, the new revolution we are facing with compare to the gutemberg's one taking place for centuries... today it is so fast as we can use these new tools to edit, publish and get worldwide readership in seconds...

see the post http://b-r-ent.com/news/la-campagne-presidentielle-va-t-elle-relancer-le-blog#comment_6

and here is the video from this great application from Technorati

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati, Technorati


Lien croisé

Blog des Managers Intranet - La campagne présidentielle va t'elle relancer le bl : "NNM - The nano-marketing applied to Politics : ", the new revolution we are facing with compare to the gutemberg's one taking place for centuries... today it is so fast as we can use these new tools to edit, publish and get worldwide readership in seconds...see the post http:/"



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