Time Magazine call it: YOU* in its great article about Web 2.0 and the fact that another theory does not stand anymore: Thomas Carlyle and "The history of the world is but the biography of great men"*... Out... almost then but this theory does not explain anymore what is going on... "it's a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before"*
The Web, keeps saying Lev Grossman from TIME Magazine*, "it's a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter"*: here at NNM we call it nano-marketing and at B-R-ENT it's called the energy of change... this energy coming out the usage of nano-publishing is what I call the nano-Watt !
It brings what LG describes as "this explosion of productivity and innovation... as millions of minds that would otherwise have drowned into obscurity get backhauled into the Global Intellectual Economy"... "Web 2.0 is a massive social experiment"* which it is clear nano-marketing technics generate new energies: let's call it nano-Watts !
* abstract from http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1569514,00.html
Lien croisé
Blog des Managers Intranet - Web 2.0 et communauté virtuelle : "the Fortune 1000, and mainstream media. This conference will offer an illuminating look at how community and social networks radically change the performance of companies in all the areas... to make smarter, faster, and better business decisions" Et quand on parle "d'éclairage" on pense tout de suite au nano-Watts ;-) cf: http://nano-marketing.viabloga.com/news/web-2-0-nano-watts pour retomber sur nos pieds avec les fameux réseaux sociaux en B2B... où la pers"